JiangSu TianShengDa Group MaShan Sanatorium
    JiangSu TianShengDa Group MaShan Sanatorium occupies 59779 square meters; there are 2 buildings for restaurant (4000 square meters), training building (2519square meters), working rooms and dinning rooms (1062 square meters).
    MaShan Sanatorium was built in 1987, it serves workers in wuxi textile enterprises for about 13 years, it stops working in 2000 till now.
    JiangSu TianShengDa Group MaShan Sanatorium was located on the side of ShengLing Mountain besides Taihu Lake, which is 10 kilometers away from Wuxi downtown, and only 1 kilometer away from LingShan Buddha, the traffic is very convenient. Welcome investors domestic and abroad to cooperate!
    Address: No.118 Jiankang Road Wuxi Jiangsu
    Code: 214031
    Telephone: +86 510 82851630
    Fax: +86 510 82858681
    Email: tsd_office@163.com
Jiangsu Tian Shengda Group Co., Ltd
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